Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Roasted Addiqtion, Sunday 13 March, 11.13am

Catching up iwth a dear friend for the first time in a year! Swapping all the news and goss! Planning and plotting our next adventure together.
Feeling like even though lots has happened in a year it is still the same whenever we are together!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

So I have a question. My helpers have been doing a fantastic job when approaching people as they leave the tagged table, and roughly 90% have been really open and receptive to the idea. Yet to date, I have received only one response.
Is it that people fear sharing their memories because they think what I’m asking for is too personal? Despite both the response and any details of who sat at the table remaining totally anonymous?
How do I encourage them to respond?
My poor tables, it’s been so busy at Roasted, the table has been in high demand, and I’m sure has been involved in some great lunches, brunches and coffees.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Roasted Addiqtion, Sunday 6 March, 2.10pm

Roasted Addiqtion, Sunday 6 March, 1.15pm

Transfers: We were. Kerrin and I, to the table.

Two others lingered long at our destination and we, wanting to imbue our presence upon the press of the seats and the smooth of the table's stretching surface, glanced, perhaps more than was polite, at them until both our waiting and conversation were suspended and...well...


Kerrin traced, with the tips of her fingers, the whispered prints of cup-rims, which seemed to be scattered across the surface. Their traces, over time and conversation, sinking into its wooden sea.

We lingered for a little longer, with time-tea. Chatter and walled-photographs kept us company while we boated aboard the Table-of-Fringe to the shore where we departed into wafts of Sunday-sunshine.


Roasted Addiqtion, Sunday 6 March, 12.55pm

Great first date! 
Roasted Addiqtion, Sunday 6 March, 11.00am

The staff was being very efficient today, and cleared away most everything from the table before I could even get to it!

A relaxing breakfast after early morning market shopping in Avondale...
The merits of changing name by deed poll, identity confusion is it really an issue, could the agencies really get it that wrong...

Friday, March 4, 2011

Roasted Addiqtion, Saturday 5 March, 1.00pm

Hectic morning - irritable tired children that wouldn't sit still. It was so much more fun for them making a concoction of water, fluffy, and scone than actually eating their lunch.  I remembered why parents with toddlers don't often go to cafes.  Not such an enjoyable morning - but enjoyed the coffee in the car on the way home as they both slept!
Roasted Addiqtion, Saturday 5 March, 12.15pm

Roasted Addiqtion, Saturday 5 March, 11.30am
The staff were a bit quick with the cleanup so missed the plates! 

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Just did a plug for my Fringe Project at Te Karanga Tearooms on their Kfm106.9 radio station!  Not sure I'll make it as a radio host...
Where are all the tea drinkers in K Road? So far a nil count on occupation of the tagged table I have there.
The tearooms have an amazing range of teas and it’s something to watch the staff make up your chosen tea. It's very, calming.
Hopefully I'll have more success during next week as it's the final week of the Fringe.
Hope to see you there. Hint, I'm usually on site lunchtime, early afternoon.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Roasted Addiqtion, Sunday 27 February, 2.00pm

We looked back at 2010 and so many things happened in this year. I have lost my father, who was my hero, my role model. Then we have surprisingly found out that we were expecting our little boy in November 2010. We felt so blessed to have our little boy on board with us...life is amazing. He is a well behaved boy and allowed us to come out for breath fresh air, enjoy the coffee while his grandmother was looking after him.
Roasted Addiqtion, Sunday 27 February, 1.00pm

Roasted Addiqtion, Sunday 27 February, 11.50am

My 3 year old's delight was apparent when he stabbed his egg with a fork and saw the yolk run out.
My husband delighted in watching him use a knife and fork, as we know that's a long process in itself!
I took delight in telling my husband I already had to sit differently to get comfortable despite being only 6 weeks pregnant, at 43...
Roasted Addiqtion, Saturday 26 February, 10.42am

I remember I was hungry and happy that there was a bottle of water on the table.

We talked about the beautiful pattern on the table and our plans for that day. There were three of us and it was our first coffee.
Roasted Addiqtion, Saturday 26 February

When I arrived at Roasted Addiqtion yesterday staff handed me a napkin in which was written a short note and wonderful poem.
The note read;
for Judith
love the table
smell to coffee
listening to our friend Chanelle on keyboard
love from Paul, Kararaina, (John)

Thank you!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Te Karanga Tea Rooms, Friday 18 February, 1.20pm

Occupant one: After much discussion two different types of tea were selected and duly arrived on the table in glass teapots.   The many borer holes in the tabletop tell the story of the former life of the table!   We discussed the value of the exhibition space next to the teashop and being a good location right on K Rd.  The downside being the stairwell and how could you entice people to venture upstairs?  The conversation turned to the posters on the wall and what the 'Manbits' fringe show would be like.   The talk revolved around the fringe festival which leads into the Auckland Art Festival, so the catalogue was flicked through and we discussed which art exhibitions and talk we would try and attend.  It was a quiet relaxing afternoon, mellow sunny weather and I was looking forward to cruising across to Hannaford's Wharf in Coromandel on the 6pm ferry.  I hoped my friend Rachel would be on the ferry so I could talk to her about the Camino Way.

Occupant two: It was fun being able to smell the different aromas of the teas and choosing one to taste. So nice after all the ‘teabag’ options you get in other cafes. And I loved the way the teabags were so tall they looped over the edge of the teapot. It was nice to just be able to sit, and relax and enjoy a good friends company for a change. I haven’t done this for a while. Life just seems to get too busy. I liked the way the table sat within the café – it didn’t look at all out of place.   
Roasted Addiqtion Thursday 17 February, 1.10pm

Occupant one: Over tea and coffee we got straight to the point and shared our current state of mind. Health was a big topic. It's sudden impact on several poeple's lives propelled us to philosphise about the need to seize every moment, to be content (as one can be) with what one has. To make time, tune-in, share, support and laugh, this was what we thought was important. We talked about simplifying, trusting and accepting that things would be as they would be. Right or wrong. We talked about making art even when we weren't 'making' art and the tension that caused. The enjoyment of things became clear to us both.
Occuptant two: A chance to catch up for a coffee with a friend I have known for 8 or 9 years.  We met while studying art at university and taking the opportunity to share the highs and lows of being a practising artist has been a feature of our friendship.  This meeting was no different and the issues of work/life/health balance and the struggle to get that just right were discussed.
The Fringe Festival postcard was on the table outlining the Traces project and we agreed to take part in the exchange of recollections of the conversation. 

Friday, January 21, 2011

The Finished Kauri Table

Definitely a lot of work getting this table sorted. Lots of time spent filling the holes with tinted filler, wire wool, filling, wire wool, filling...one has to stop somewhere. But definitely better, especially the legs. I'm also beginning to suspect that the table isn't in fact Kauri, but rather Rimu...still it's a lovely wood and with wonderful glow to it. Lots of scuff marks on the table top which indicates loads of use. When I purchased this table it was sitting in the middle of their kitchen, just as it was designed to be. I haven't quite figured out the large stain on the top though. I suspect it's not ink but not sure what else it might be.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Finished Oak Table

What a difference.
Not too much work involved in getting the table to a stage where I could start working on the table top.  The legs have come up beautifully. You can still see the watermarks at the base, which I wanted to remain slightly visible, as they, and the ink stain are remants of its past life. I wonder where the inkstain came from?
This table was also bought on Trade Me on Saturday 4 December 2011. Bit cheaper at $62.95. The listing read:

Solid  extension table in need of restoration. Table top has some scars and imperfections that are restorable, (see photos). There is a written date on 7/12/8 which is probably the manufacture date. No borer very solid. Inspection welcome. See my listing for other oak furniture piece.
This table was in better nick, although a rather nice 'hole' in the tabletop which wasn't mentioned or noticeable in the photos! There are also serious water marks at the base of the legs which indicates its been sitting somewhere wet for a long time. Shame as it's a lovely shape. I guess it outlasted its use somewhere and then most likely stored down in the garage. The black stain you can see is ink!

This table will be at Roasted Addiqtion in Kingsland. They have another table almost extactly the same.
This table was purchased on Trade Me on Thursday 16 December 2011 for $100. This listing read:
Gorgeous antique Kauri Table, has end draw for cutlery etc, 760H 1220L 855W, borer have made awesome detail on top and legs, has been treated.
I particularly liked the bit about borer having made awesome detail! And it actually looked better in the Trade Me photo than when I saw it for the first time. One has to wonder where it's been and how it came to be so neglected. There were loads of borer holes in the table top and also the legs.

It also looks like at some stage the top may have been painted and then stripped.

This table is going into Te Karanga in K Road as it fits reasonably well with the tables they have in the Tea Shop upstairs.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

With all my memory work involving objects I either find what I need at second hand stores, Salvation Army outlets, or, in this case through the Trade Me website. One of the main requirements is for the object to already have had a home. This ensures that there is history attached to the object; they may have been loved, or simply been acquired as a necessity, and sometimes this history will be reflected in the object by way of scratches, watermarks, stains.